Blue Star Damselfish - Pomacentrus alleni

Sale price£15.00

The Blue Star Damselfish is known from inshore areas and outer reef slopes, usually staying close to the corals living amongst the mixed rubble substrate. Adults tend to congregate in small groups over favourable sections of reef, feeding on the zooplankton in the water column and to a lesser extent, benthic algae. Blue Star Damselfish are colourful, hardy, and well suited to the reef aquarium. However, this is a fairly aggressive species, and as these fish mature, their belligerence also often increases. 


Offer a varied diet, including meaty items such as Mysis shrimp, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, chopped krill, also marine flake food, and herbivore rations. Feed small amounts 3 times per day.


These fish form distinct pairs when breeding. The tiny eggs (numbering up to 1000) are deposited in a cave or on the substrate and are guarded and aerated by the male fish until hatching.

Synonyms None
Distribution Eastern Indian Ocean
Maximum Size 6cm (2.4")
Temperature Tropical: 23-27°C
Water Parameters SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4
Compatibility Reef
Lighting No special requirements
Reef Aquarium Compatibility Excellent
Sexual Dimorphism No obvious external differences. Males in breeding dress may appear an overall brighter colouration compared to the females. However, this is not a given.