Purple Leg Shrimp - Saron rectirostris
The Purple Leg Marble Shrimp are white with pale brown patches in colour, with purple legs and tail and tufts of cirri (feathery appendages) are found decorating the back of the males, and their first pair of walking legs are elongated.
When introduced into an aquarium, the Purple Leg Marble Shrimp will need a dark place in which to hide.
After acclimating, it will start to wander about during the daylight. It is usually found in the coral rubble at the base of the reef. It is intolerant of copper or high nitrates, and will require a correct level of iodine in the water for proper molting.
The diet of a Purple Leg Marble Shrimp can include brine shrimp, plankton, flaked food, pellet, frozen food, and small pieces of fish.